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Message Calls in the U.S.A.: 

Tel: 301-429-8745

​Email us: 

Postal Addresses: 


P.O. BOX KU-104

Winneba, Effutu C/R 

Ghana, West Africa









T.E.A.C.H., Inc.

P.O. BOX 300

Greenbelt, MD 20768 


For Business & Mail-in Donations: 

U.S.A. Youth Program Directors: 


Contact Info:


Contact Info:

Thank you all for your generous giving. Please use the addresses on the left side of this page to write to us. We enjoy hearing from everyone of you and we look forward to receiving your encouragements. You can also follow us on our Facebook pages, where we are regularly posting mission updates.

Please visit the website again.


  Your support is greatly appreciated. 

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